Say No ! No ! No ! to the Pylon Proposals
A special update to Haverings Grove Residents from Conservative Councillor Olivia Francois
Dear Resident,
Further to the information circulated to you by your Conservative Team, National Grid (NGET) has returned with its revised proposals for the electricity transmission scheme, which it first consulted on informally last autumn, under the title: “East Anglia Green.”
This scheme materially affects residents in Hutton East, especially here in Haverings Grove, as well as other parts of Brentwood District and more widely, the counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk.
This is a second round of informal consultation by National Grid, and they have, unhelpfully, rebranded the project as: “The Great Grid Upgrade – Norwich to Tilbury.” It is important to treat this as a second opportunity to address National Grid with all our concerns about their consultation proposals and the impacts that this would have on our communities, as well as the other options available to them.
National Grid (NG) intends that this second round of non-statutory consultation, once concluded, will lead onto their statutory consultation, which is a formal requirement for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), before a public inquiry next year.
Before that happens, they do have to consider what we all say in response to this consultation, which will run until 21 August 2023. Information about their proposal can be found at their website….
It is important that residents of Haverings Grove look at the revised route proposed for our local area. The proposed route crosses over Rayleigh Road (A129) between Hutton Village and Haverings Grove. You can scan the QR code (right) to view the interactive map or alternatively go on their website to view it. Due to the height of these proposed pylons the effect on the local area will be extremely impactful.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the route changes by responding to the first consultation. I must emphasize that it remains extremely important that residents respond to the new route proposals and this is true even if you objected last time and the new proposal does not affect your opinions.
Virtual- Dates – online only require registration Saturday 12 August 10-11am Thursday 17 August 10-11am
For information on The Great Grid Upgrade – Norwich to Tilbury, please visit:
There is also some very useful information on the Pylons East Anglia Group website at If you wish to discuss the matter with me further then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Cllr Olivia Francois
Conservative Borough Councillor for Hutton East, Mobile : 07970 768 056 Email :